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Monday, November 24, 2003

And now... the end is near...
I'm not one for goodbyes. I'm not even a fan of see you later. When parting, I always try to use the phrase "see you soon" or "speak to you soon". I always think that "soon" sounds more positive than "later" even though the word later is in no way negative, just less positive.

So why the title? Because as you are well aware, this page hasn't had much to offer those coming here to check up on my whereabouts and howabouts (if that isn't a real word, it should be) and soon it will draw to a close.

My first Blog was on the evening of Sunday 25th August 2002, so I have only recently completed my first year. I was starting a new job the next day and in a way, I had the idea that my life was entering a new phase.

Of course in a short period of 15 months many things change and just as many things are much as they were before.

I'm guessing that there will be a couple more updates over the next month, just don't ask me when. One thing that I am sure of though, Rip's Ramble will cease to be updated once 2003 has drawn to a close.

I'll be adding a kind of Rip's Ramble to the articles section of my website soon, so there will still be occasionally things to read relating directly to myself and Junior. I'm not sure yet, what form it will take, but it will won't be a copy of this page. I'll give details (if I work them out) before the end of the year.

I guess I should hot foot it to bed now, so all that is left to say for tonight is, see you soon :)

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