Cryptic Confession I have opinions, just like most people and am used to voicing them if I think I have a point to make or I disagree with something that I have heard or read. I did read a comment the other day, and it annoyed me immensly, yet when I clicked the "reply" button, I bottled it and closed the page. That bugged me, maybe more than the "offending" comment :(
Flipping Heck and a Grrrr Great idea of mine to start up a website and advertise days out for the family. Unless someone emails me info, I rely on trawling through a couple of printed "What's On" guides and some online versions too. So how was I to know when I copied across info about a railway fun day from the Department of Tourisms official guide that I'd be advising readers to go to Port Erin in the south when the event actually took place in Douglas 15 miles away? Grrrrrrrr. Junior and I had a lovely drive to P.E. from a mile away from Douglas Station to find an empty platform then back again.
To be honest the "attractions" when we did find them were a major let down. A face painter, a bouncey castle, a carosel, and a couple of jugglers were doing their best to entertain the visitors. There were free rides in an open truck behind a diesel engine to a point half a mile down the track and the kids were allowed on a steam engine footplate and sound the whistle, and ermmmm, that was it.
Poor show Isle of Man Railways and Dept of Tourism.
Blimey, is that the time? What a few days? the gentleman to whom I am assistant has a pretty bad summer cold that has kept him off work. He came in on Wednesday, but was so rough, he went again before lunchtime. Guess which week turns out to be the busiest I have known since I started working there? Yep. my phone hasn't stopped ringing, I've lost count of how much paper I have fed into the fax machine, I've had work related emails (and a few non work) coming out of my ears. As much as I have been looking forward to coming home at the end of the working day, I could also have happily worked longer to try and clear some of the backlog that is building up. I haven't ruled out working late tomorrow night or even doing a couple of hours on Saturday morning. Get well soon boss :)
Middle Age Spread ?? Hmmm, my previously trim tummy seems to be expanding a little. Usually i fit comfortabley into my 32" waist trousers (44" chest, 5' 10" height, short brown hair and hazel eyes-just in case anyone wondered ;)), yet I seem to feel a little "squeezed" recently especcially when seated. My eating habbits are similar to how they have always been, I still regularly eat as many sweets and cakes fruit and veg as I always have, so maybe it means that my metabolism is slowing down as it sometimes does in the over 35 male population. Mind you, it could be punishment for my "sitting on my backside all day" job. Previous employment has usually consisted of being on my feet, loads of moving arouns and often the carrying of heavy objects. Now the only worktime exercise I get is when I jog up 3 flights of stairs 4 times a day after a ciggie outside. Oh well, whatever the reason, me thinks I'm going to have to face the fact that I need to be more physically active. Hmmmm *thinks*
Ooooh, I do like to be beside the seaside... I've got white bits :o but you'll be glad to know that I won't be showing them off tonight :) Today started off with the weekly Sunday swim and a few familiar faces, one even "Is it you that has the website? That's a great idea". Afterwards we drove home for a bite to eat and to grab a few pieces to take to the beach at Peel. Junior and I were sat in his playtent munching away when the phone rang and it was Mummy ringing to suggest a day on the beach. 30 minutes later, Junior was in his trunks running down the golden dands while myself, Mummy and S were unpacking the blanket, towels and nibbles.
I have to admit that the water wasn't quite as warm as the sand, but I perservered and once over the shock of reaching waist deep (*grimaces*), I was able to dunk myself completely. Junior had the foresight to bring his goggles and I nicked them to I could have a look around as I swam in the clear water. Now I am sitting here glowing. Thanks goodness for suntan lotion (Junior's Factor 30), I dread to think what I'd be like if I hadn't worn any. One thought that occured to me as I was entering the sea... there are a couple of Charity "Dips" every New Years Day. They must be brave of darnright crazy.
Looking back over the week that was Lots of work, a few emails to potential website contributers, an email from Border Television, a great evening playing, eating Pizza and drinking coffee with Ariel and Listener and our respective children (*Group hug*), catching up with 3 online friends, one of which I hadn't chatted with for over a year and lots of general playing the fool under the pretence of being a Daddy :)
Right, I'm going to rub moisturiser all over myself and "slip" into bed.
And so to dream Fingers numb, not quite bleeding yet, thankfully. I've managed to add a box for updating the Manx Parents site. I created a new blog a while back and finally I have FTP linked it to the site, added a table to the Homepage and got the homepage to import the blog. Then I spent the best part of 2 hours tweaking the HTML and then starting again (and again) to correct my cock ups :/
It appears to work now, but will take a few posts for me to make sure that I got all the settings right.
Wooo hoooo I like my job (I may mentioned that already?) Tomorrow (Friday) I finish at 1pm, race home to collect my suitcase, then drive down to the airport to meet back up with some of my workmates and their wives/girlfriends/partners (about 30 of us in total). We're being flown at company expence to Dublin, staying at this hotel and returning Sunday evening.
Sea Monkeys are strange animals. We had 5, then there were loads of babies that "hatched" (?) yet now I can only see one baby. It's doing ok and I'm looking forward to more being born anytime soon.
Bump, Splash Imagine a tractor inner tube, put a seat on it then stap on an engine and propeller. You end up with a bumper boat that whilst ok going in straight lines, can also pin you to your seat as well as any Waltzer when is spinning. Add a few more bumper boats and a handful of children who like getting wet from splashes and it's hard not to grin like a silly thing going through a grinning fit. One thing I noticed as we wandered past the bumper pool the other day was a white foam on the water. You've seen when people put Fairy Liquid into fountains? It looks as if someone had found a new place to pour some. Unfortunately the Park was quiet, so we didn't see the commotion that hust have been going on when the boats were hurtling around and stiring it up.
Boohbah... What the heck is that about?? Hey, I'm all for brightly coloured, furry, and oddly shaped object jumping around in a way that appeals to children to copy and interact, but this one gets a serious thumbs down from me. I've never been a fan of the Tellietubbies as I don't think they have a great deal of "education through play" appeal, but Boohbah ?? It should (in my opinion) be banned for insulting children in the worst way possible. If anyone can explain their reason for existing to me, feel free.
Too busy playing to play The slightest sight of a bit of sunshine and the poor computer starts feeling ignored (all together now, Awwwwww)
Anywayyyyy... A brief summary...
Scrum down Junior now owns a rugby ball. A warning to friends who visit us, if he passes you the ball, run like hell, cos I have taught him how to tackle properly and if you stand there looking at the ball he'll grab your legs tightly, ram you with his shoulder and you'll be wondering why all you can see are blue sky and pretty clouds :)
Splish splashing away His larger of two paddling pools (6 foot square) is still difficult to inflate and still leaves me red faced and out of breath (I still haven't bought a pump). You know how enthusiastic parents don't do things in half measures? The pool has a built in slide, Pahhh, small time fun. Junior asked me last year if he could have his garden slide turned to the pool and I said no because it would press on the pool side and let the water out... Well me being me, I found a way around that quandry and yes, he can now wet his 5 foot high slide, climb the steps and come bombing down the chute into the pool. The side opposite has taken a right battering. No more running backwards and forwards with buckets of hot water either as the tap connector on the hose pipe fits the tap to the washing machine.