New Years Eve, 2003. A time for reflection? To cast minds back on the year gone by?
I've had my share of ups and downs like all people, thankfully more ups :) As pensive a person as I think I am, I don't tend to dwell on the past too much, prefering to think about the present and take each day as it comes and becomes what was the future.
I did go through a bit of a low spell in the month leading up to Christmas, I made a wish to myself and it actually came true. I pray now that the happiness that has replaced the sadness keeps going and grows.
As I sit here typing while my boy sleeps snugly in his bed, and the big hand ticks it's way up to the top, I'll raise my glass to all my friends near and far and say "Happy New Year" Today is our future, let it bring us all the good that we deserve and when times are down know that there are others who think about us and care for us.
I thank you all who have opened this page to read my ramblings over the past year and a bit. I'll still be reading and comenting on other Blogs and trying to find the hours in the day to put myself about ;)
On reflection, there are few things that I would change about the past year if I was to ever discover a time machine. I'm grateful for my life and all that it has brought me and I hope that I do justice to the gift that I have been honoured with.
As the New Year beckons, the curtain is falling on this Blog. Goodnight to y'all, my love and best wishes for peace and and much happiness in the future :)
Not Enough Hours In The Day, Nor Days In The Week: One of the good things about Christmas is having a few days off. Once the panicing (or not :Þ) is over there is occasionally the time to actually do things for yourself, things that you often can not seem to find the time for at other times. Have you ever promised to stay in touch only to later realise that days or weeks have passed and "you've been busy"? This is one of my many and biggest faults, I'm always saying "Let's have that drink soon", "I'll phone you soon"... you get the drift.
Sometimes "Soon" means later, and I've already written about how I don't like the word "later".
So I like the fact that I have a few days without work to mess around the house, have the time to keep on top of the tidying up and yes, even pop out to catch up with friends.
I drove into town at noon on Christmas Eve with half a dozen people to buy for and parked up at one end of the main shopping street. Meandering between the shops taking in the atmosphere was plesent, bumping into a few friends for quick words (including Ariel and Bozz) nicely broke up the afternoon. I saw a few more in the crowds too far away to call out to who still received best wishes under my breath. One person that I did stop and speak to, and I'm glad I did, was the boyfriend of my former next door neighbour.
On a visit to the swimming pool a few months back Junior and I bumped into our former neighbour and after about 2 minutes of plesantries I realised that there was something different about her. She was 7 and a half months pregnant. It was a couple of months later that I saw her son playing outside with some of his nearby friends and I asked if he had a little brother or sister yet. He said yes, a baby girl, but then with a slight vagueness, or uncertainty of how to continue, went on to say that all wasn't quite right and they were still in hospital.
It was another few weeks later that Junior went for the insertion of grommets and across the open area from the ward was a side room and sitting there was my former neighbour, laying back on her raised lap was her new daughter with pipes and wires running off to a machine by their sides. We greeted as I walked into the room and was told about the problems that this child was going through and how they hadn't been home as complications became apparent very soon in the baby's life. For some reason, the acids from her stomach weren't sitting as they should and she was suffering with a permanent form of heartburn. Not one like we adults get now and again that causes discomfort, hers was causing severe and acute pain and was deemed life threatening. They were due to fly across to Alder Hey Hospital the next day in preperation for an operation. The machines that monitored her condition reported that she had been suffering many tens of attacks in an hour and they were causing sleeping and breathing problems.
While I was in the room, the baby appeared fairly settled, her silence only broken by the bleeps of a machine that was working for her benefit. One aspect of life that I in awe of, is that considering the number of aspects involved in conception, development and the eventual birth healthy babies should really be in the minority, but they are not. The miracle of creation and birth ensures that they are in the majority. When there is an exception, you pray that whatever problems that exist are quickly discovered, diagnosed and dealt with successfully.
When Junior arrived in the world, he was born jaundiced. A lot of babies develop mild Jaundice within five days of birth as their bodies and organs become used to working for themselves independant of their mother's bodies. Often it clears by itself after a day or two once feeding patterns etc are established. Because he was born Jaundiced, Junior required what is commonly known as phototherapy (or Bright Light Therapy), where they are laid under a bright light that stimulated the cells just under the skin to start breaking down the cells to help the liver. At the same time, there were occasions where he showed no interest in being breastfed. The feeding would have helped the jaundice clear, luckily, he did have a liking for bottled milk, although botttled didn't have his mother's antibodies etc.
All we wanted to do was to hold and cuddle our baby, all the time. Due to his need to be under the light and his reluctance to feed naturally, close lingering cuddles were at a premium. I wonder to this day how a new born baby who up until now has had a reasuring heartbeat and the warmth of the womb reacts to being layed in a cot for hours at a time...
His treatment lasted 3 days compared to the usual one or two days, then there were further blood tests by his Health Visitor when he was eventually allowed home. At the time, there were few worries fron us, his parents. We knew that it was more of a minor hiccup and despite the original assurance that he would soon be out of the light, yet still there on day 3, we knew it would soon be over and we'd soon be looking forward to going home and getting on with our new life.
Standing in the hospital listening to my former neighbour, I already knew that we had had a pretty easy time with Junior, and I was amazed by her grasp of reality of her situation and her calm as she stroked her helpless baby's cheek. She was scared for her baby, yet maintained an air of taking each day as it came while hoping that all would be ok soon.
That was more or less the last I heard about them until Christmas Eve. There I was meandering and there walking towards me was the baby's father. Our eyes met as we came closer and for a moment I wondered how to word my greeting and enquiry after the child. Thankfully, his eyes lit up as I asked. The treatment had been sucessful. There is only so much that can be said in the middle of a busy street, but I came away with a slight glow knowing that mother and baby were home, doing well and they could all now look forward to Christmas and life together as a family.
I wish them all continued happiness for the future.
Some people have commented about how well Junior's mother and I remain adult like in our approach to raising him despite living seperate lives. When it was obvious that things weren't going as smoothly as they should for a couple we had exchanges of words as many couples do, one thing however that was never in question, was that we would NEVER allow our own differences come in the way of the way that Junior would be brought up. He will always come first. His emotional and physical development is the most important thing in both our lives. We have never sought to organise access rights or other obstacles that some parents insist on putting in the way. We both love him and would both happily be permanent parents. This has meant that he always knows that we love him, he doesn't have to wait for a specific day every week to one parent or the other, we both have our own lives, yet maintain a loving family. It would tear me apart inside if I didn't have the ammount of cantact with him and I know that it would do the same to his mum. That combined with Junior's need to have 2 loving parents above all else will ensure that despite seperated parents, he doesn't ever have to worry about how much he means to us.
Please don't get me wrong on access etc. there are times when a parent requires official knowledge that they will keep their contact. More important to me is that a child is allowed to love both parents. I hate the intent of any parent to run down the other to the child or to take more interest in the ex's current life than in the child's day. It's a complicated subject, relationships and I sure as heck cannot condone or judge. I can only see the child as the primary importence.
Footnote: There are times when something happens that drives home the thought about how precious life is.
Seeing my friend in the street triggered off the first part of this post. I believe that I rarely switch off my "daddy" mode as it is pretty much the way that I have chosen to live my life. Even when times are going well, I try to make sure that nothing I do now will be depremental in the future days, weeks and even years. Despite my attempts to be constantly aware, I still have "moments of realisation"
My assertion of my personal beliefs about raising Junior in the second part was actually triggered some months ago, but didn't make it onto the Blog at the time, so I thought now was as good a time as any to throw it in.
The event? Walking past a childcare centre and hearing a child cry. A father was walking past as the mother was leading the child to the door. I have no idea if they were a current or former couple, what I am aware of is that the mother shouting "See what f**king happens when you are near? I don't know why you don't just f**k off and leave us alone". The child was trying to pull away from mum and shouting "Daddy" between the screams. The dad was walking as he grunted something back at her. She disappeared with the child through the door, he walked off around the corner.
Make of that scene what you will. All I could think was what sort of life they were showing and giving that child, what were they teaching him about responsibility and family love...
I don't ever want my child to experience that. Our children didn't ask to be born, we adults (in most instances) make that choice for them. We then have to show and take responsibility for our actions for as long as we walk on this earth. Life is a miracle, it should never be taken for granted.
Christmas... Rushing round the shops, panicing about the bank balance, carrier bags digging into your palms, feeling faint as you move from hot shop to cold street to hot shop, crowds pushing and shoving, endless queues, worrying that the gifts will be appriciated, wondering if you'll through the next 48 hours with your sanity intact, no wonder some say it is one of the most stressful days of the year.
STOP!! Take 5 minutes to take a look around you. What are we doing it for? I refuse to allow myself to caught up in the hype, the commercialism all the bolt on extras that line pockets, that make somebody else smile from my misery. I'm not a practicing Christian (although I was brought up in a church attending enviroment) and whether you or I believe that 2000 years ago a child was born in humble surroundings, we still give gifts to others on the day that is universally recognised on the aniversary of His birth.
Even if you deride the story as a fairy tale, most fairy tales are stories that offer information to learn from.
When the child was born, he wasn't wrapped up in silk or satin, he wasn't surrounded by luxury items and waited on by his families servants. His father was a carpenter, a manuel labourer. His first visitors came from nearby fields and once the 3 "wise" men had rerouted from their erronous assumption that he born in the nearby palace, I wonder what they made of his surroundings when they presented their gifts.
In the 21st Centuary we are told by others that the way to show love for others is to go out and lavish expensive gifts on each other. Not just the advertisers, but those who chose to spread guilt to others about the "better" items that they will be delivering. Doesn't make Christmas sound like a celebration of life does it?
As far as I am concerned, every day is Christmas Day. I try and share my love for life with those around me. I try and offer myself as a gift, one that my friends don't need to say thankyou for, similar to the gift that I take from them everytime we meet or simply think about eachother.
On December the 25th, Junior will be unwrapping plenty of presents, each one that has cost money, in time they will be faded, broken, discarded... but underlying those gifts will be my love for him, something that will be there the day, the week and for years afterwards.
Love is eternal, it is free, it is underappriciated. Take 5 minutes from all the running around, the short tempers, the panicing about the turkey and try and put a price on the love that you have for your friends and your family and they for you.
Merry Christmas to you all with my love for now and always.
And now... the end is near... I'm not one for goodbyes. I'm not even a fan of see you later. When parting, I always try to use the phrase "see you soon" or "speak to you soon". I always think that "soon" sounds more positive than "later" even though the word later is in no way negative, just less positive.
So why the title? Because as you are well aware, this page hasn't had much to offer those coming here to check up on my whereabouts and howabouts (if that isn't a real word, it should be) and soon it will draw to a close.
My first Blog was on the evening of Sunday 25th August 2002, so I have only recently completed my first year. I was starting a new job the next day and in a way, I had the idea that my life was entering a new phase.
Of course in a short period of 15 months many things change and just as many things are much as they were before.
I'm guessing that there will be a couple more updates over the next month, just don't ask me when. One thing that I am sure of though, Rip's Ramble will cease to be updated once 2003 has drawn to a close.
I'll be adding a kind of Rip's Ramble to the articles section of my website soon, so there will still be occasionally things to read relating directly to myself and Junior. I'm not sure yet, what form it will take, but it will won't be a copy of this page. I'll give details (if I work them out) before the end of the year.
I guess I should hot foot it to bed now, so all that is left to say for tonight is, see you soon :)
Yawwwwwn I had a lovely bath at 11pm and was all curled up clean, snug and warm by quarter to 12. I laid there thinking of nothing in particular, and laid there, and laid there... By 4am I was hit with the thought that I really needed to fall asleep. I guess I did fall asleep eventually, not sure when, but the next thing I knew, it was 9:10am and I had 5 minutes to dress and drive a mile and a half to the stop where I catch my bus into work. It was a nice walk in this morning...
Ouch... Whoops... DIY lesson #1: The saw is your friend. It's hundreds of sharp teeth glide through wood effortlessly. When cutting with a saw, ensure the wood is secure and all body parts are a safe distance from the teeth.
Anywayy..... Once I had laid the loose bits of skin back into something resembling my left thumb and wrapped it with a bit of tissue and tape, I was able to carry on boxing in some pipework. I should be ready to start building the frame for the track to sit on this week :)
Words of Wisdom Some children just sit there and whine "I caaan't do it"(said in a whiney voice) and they should try, shouldn't they? by Junior aged 4 (a boy who himself occasionally requires a little verbal encouragement).
Fire!!!! We have a water shortage on the Isle of Man. Clean drinking water, that is, because living on an Island, there's obviously loads of water around us in the form of sea water... Typical then that this is a good time for a gorse fire down south. Stavros has posted some ground level photos on his website and brought it to public notice on Manx.Net Forums. And luckily a passing satalite also took a photo which you can see here.
Pardon?? A word that should hopefully be used less now... Junior had his first visit to hospital as a patient yesterday for the insertion of grommets (excluding his birth and the earlier hearing test). All went well and in less than 20 minutes of waking up from the general anesthetic he was playing happily with lego on his bed. He's had the day off school today (by advice) and returns tomorrow. When asked if he could tell there was a difference, he said yes. Even whispering his name from behind received a responce, something that he didn't do up before yesterday.
Hello again :) The attic is taking a little longer than planned. All the upstairs lights are fed from the attic for obvious reasons. Often the sockets are fed from below, but not in my house. Nearly every wire was in the way and needed relocating, as well as the new wires for the bathroom lights and the shower (to be installed later). Glad to say that the floor is now complete and I can turn my attention to the sides and ceiling which will maintain access to the loft areas behind. Junior is going to have to concede 3 foot of the room thus giving him 9ft x 9ft, although I have devised a devious way to reclaim a couple of extra feet at the far end so the layout will be slighty T shaped. I needed to do this as two of the trains will require a minimum of 60" of platform.
Other news: I yielded to my urges and bought a Digital Camera Junior has sussed out how it works already and takes a pretty darn good photo. His subjects are not always the first thing I would photograph, but he knows to keep still and make sure the cat, his blackboard, the back of my head etc. are in the centre of the view finder. I hate having my photo taken (receding hairline, big ears...) but I must admit that one of the few photos of me that I like was taken by Junior.
School: Big building, full of kids... you know the kind of place. Junior loves it, he just needs to learn that when the teacher reads a story, each page shouldn't involve a 15 minute discussion as they do at home. I am aware that he occasionally gets bored easily and requires to focus more. Last week he relearnt the letter "e" a year or so after he first learnt it at home. No doubt, given time, he'll have regressed enough to fit in with the cirriculum.
Some things he has learnt... "so what?", "I didn't do it", and how to pull a sulky face and cross his arms. Would you beleive me if I said that at nearly 5 years old, I've never seen him do the "sulky action" until the past couple of weeks?
Waterbabes Junior and I go swimming each Sunday, I may have mentioned it in passing on previous occasions. Last Saturday he was with Mummy instead of me as they had fun things planned and it meant I was free to cut and shift the pile of floorboards mentioned in the other post. So instead of a morning swim, we went for the 12:30 session. We eventually left the pool at 3:50 :o
Home for a bite to eat, and he asked if we could go to Onchan Park, so back out in the car and another 90 minutes passed until we climbed back in the car to head home content with the day's playing.
And yes, we both needed a bath after the visit to the park...
No Title I've hardly touched the PC at home over the past couple of weeks. When Junior is with me, he of course takes priority. When he is at Mummy's I've had 101 things to keep me busy, and sadly away from the keyboard.
Current project is the Attic. I said months ago that Junior has a Train Set/Model Railway, which continues to grow. Tracks, engines, carridges, wagons... The long term plan was to floor the attic, add power and make it suitable and safe as a room for the permanent setting up of the track. The floor boards were delivered last Saturday and most are cut to size and pushed through the access hatch. They would have been screwed down by now but for the need to replace lighting cable for the bedrooms and bathroom below. The wires crossed the joists, so they have had to be rerouted around the edges.
The bathroom and bedrooms are to have new light fittings. While the bedrooms are not a problem at this moment, the new floor goes down directly over the bathroom, so I had to mad dash to B&Q, buy the downlighters and cable and install them. I also want to add an electric shower at some point soon, so the cabling had to be run for that too, looped off ready for connection at a later date.
The loft access opening will also be covered once the floor goes down, so to make sure I don't paint myself into a corner (so to speak) there was the small matter of creating a new access through the ceiling and a cupboard wall in Junior's room where the stairs will be fixed. Tonight I permanently fix the boards and pray I haven't forgotten anything that will require much screaming and pulling of hair tomorrow.
Once the room is done, Junior and I will be creating a track layout 12 foot by 9 foot with a point to step over the track for him to sit in the centre able to reach all areas. There's a lot of building, modeling, tunneling, bridge building, landscaping, painting and tree planting for that boy in the coming weeks. I will be also adding a dimmer switch in the lighting circuit so that he can act out "night scenes".
One thing I do need to add before he is allowed up there is emergency lighting. If there is ever a loss of power when he (or I) are in the attic, it means that we still have the means to find our way out and back down to the house without taking the 2:15 Express train or a hillside with us.
Golf Don't have a lot of time for the game. On telly it's look at player, swing, look at sky, bounce, look at grass...etc etc. BUT!!!! when it is MiniGolf and it is a Shockwave Game... Well, you have a go... I bet you play it more than once.
Play MiniGolf
Yawn Not much to report today. Junior has settled into school life well, although it is just mornings this week and then 4 afternoons next week before his first "full" day on Friday. I guess that will be a bit of a test as he copes with the longer day broken by his first school dinner.
I received an email which said that my TV appearance will consist of a 4 minute 40 second segment of a 30 minute programme. The antisipated transmission date is near the end of November and it should have a teatime slot (not good at mealtimes, me thinks), although this will be confirmed closer to the date.
Still no comments, should be back by the 8th or the 9th at the last report. Oh, and I turned 36 on Tuesday, but I'll get over it. I remember when 20 appeared old, how life has flown.
Comments I checked the HTML, I even dug out the original page template and copied and pasted the relevant lines just in case I had accidentally altered anything without realising. I was just edging towards a state of bewilderment when I was hit by a moment of inspiration... Check the Host site, and there in 12 point Times New Roman is the apology for the server fault, normal service hopefully to be resumed on the 2nd or 3rd.
First Day At School No, silly, not mine.... Junior's :) As of 8:45am on Tuesday September 2nd, my boy will be a fully fledged member of the Isle of Man Education System.
We went for a quick look around the outside of the school this evening on the way home from his childminder and he was peering in through the windows eyeing up all the things that he wants to play with in the morning. For nearly 2 years we have passed the school with him saying "I'm going to that school when I am bigger" and tomorrow is that day. He knows of course, and he is excited by the prospect, but now in a running round shouting about it, more of a "that's the next step in my growing up" kind of way. Odd child, I don't know where he gets it from *shrugs*
Making new friends: As part of my global takeover bid for all things parent and family related, I organised a meet up for website readers and their children. The parents came and sat down, the children vanished and were seen running around, climbing and having a good play while I was able to introduce myself to a few new faces, gain some feedback about the site and discuss some of my hopes for the future. I came away feeling that the day had gone pretty well and look forward to bringing more people together with another meet up at a location and at a date to be decided.
Not coming to a TV screen near you... My house is spotless. Absolutely spotless. Even the PC, monitor, scanner and printer are fingerprint and smudge free. Border TV wanted to film me infront of a computer with screen shots of my ManxParents website. So the train set which has been residing on top of my desks was dismantled and packed away, the PC was brought back downstairs, scrubbed and put together in it's "usual" place. Darn shame then that for the purposes of Filming for ITV's "IT's For Life" they needed me to be sat infront of a TFT screen (due to screen flicker).
Once the interviews were over at Manxland and the play and eat session drew to an end I was whisked away to the presenters office to "surf" on one of their computers. Oh well, at least I can see my carpet now.
Cryptic Confession I have opinions, just like most people and am used to voicing them if I think I have a point to make or I disagree with something that I have heard or read. I did read a comment the other day, and it annoyed me immensly, yet when I clicked the "reply" button, I bottled it and closed the page. That bugged me, maybe more than the "offending" comment :(
Flipping Heck and a Grrrr Great idea of mine to start up a website and advertise days out for the family. Unless someone emails me info, I rely on trawling through a couple of printed "What's On" guides and some online versions too. So how was I to know when I copied across info about a railway fun day from the Department of Tourisms official guide that I'd be advising readers to go to Port Erin in the south when the event actually took place in Douglas 15 miles away? Grrrrrrrr. Junior and I had a lovely drive to P.E. from a mile away from Douglas Station to find an empty platform then back again.
To be honest the "attractions" when we did find them were a major let down. A face painter, a bouncey castle, a carosel, and a couple of jugglers were doing their best to entertain the visitors. There were free rides in an open truck behind a diesel engine to a point half a mile down the track and the kids were allowed on a steam engine footplate and sound the whistle, and ermmmm, that was it.
Poor show Isle of Man Railways and Dept of Tourism.
Blimey, is that the time? What a few days? the gentleman to whom I am assistant has a pretty bad summer cold that has kept him off work. He came in on Wednesday, but was so rough, he went again before lunchtime. Guess which week turns out to be the busiest I have known since I started working there? Yep. my phone hasn't stopped ringing, I've lost count of how much paper I have fed into the fax machine, I've had work related emails (and a few non work) coming out of my ears. As much as I have been looking forward to coming home at the end of the working day, I could also have happily worked longer to try and clear some of the backlog that is building up. I haven't ruled out working late tomorrow night or even doing a couple of hours on Saturday morning. Get well soon boss :)
Middle Age Spread ?? Hmmm, my previously trim tummy seems to be expanding a little. Usually i fit comfortabley into my 32" waist trousers (44" chest, 5' 10" height, short brown hair and hazel eyes-just in case anyone wondered ;)), yet I seem to feel a little "squeezed" recently especcially when seated. My eating habbits are similar to how they have always been, I still regularly eat as many sweets and cakes fruit and veg as I always have, so maybe it means that my metabolism is slowing down as it sometimes does in the over 35 male population. Mind you, it could be punishment for my "sitting on my backside all day" job. Previous employment has usually consisted of being on my feet, loads of moving arouns and often the carrying of heavy objects. Now the only worktime exercise I get is when I jog up 3 flights of stairs 4 times a day after a ciggie outside. Oh well, whatever the reason, me thinks I'm going to have to face the fact that I need to be more physically active. Hmmmm *thinks*
Ooooh, I do like to be beside the seaside... I've got white bits :o but you'll be glad to know that I won't be showing them off tonight :) Today started off with the weekly Sunday swim and a few familiar faces, one even "Is it you that has the website? That's a great idea". Afterwards we drove home for a bite to eat and to grab a few pieces to take to the beach at Peel. Junior and I were sat in his playtent munching away when the phone rang and it was Mummy ringing to suggest a day on the beach. 30 minutes later, Junior was in his trunks running down the golden dands while myself, Mummy and S were unpacking the blanket, towels and nibbles.
I have to admit that the water wasn't quite as warm as the sand, but I perservered and once over the shock of reaching waist deep (*grimaces*), I was able to dunk myself completely. Junior had the foresight to bring his goggles and I nicked them to I could have a look around as I swam in the clear water. Now I am sitting here glowing. Thanks goodness for suntan lotion (Junior's Factor 30), I dread to think what I'd be like if I hadn't worn any. One thought that occured to me as I was entering the sea... there are a couple of Charity "Dips" every New Years Day. They must be brave of darnright crazy.
Looking back over the week that was Lots of work, a few emails to potential website contributers, an email from Border Television, a great evening playing, eating Pizza and drinking coffee with Ariel and Listener and our respective children (*Group hug*), catching up with 3 online friends, one of which I hadn't chatted with for over a year and lots of general playing the fool under the pretence of being a Daddy :)
Right, I'm going to rub moisturiser all over myself and "slip" into bed.
And so to dream Fingers numb, not quite bleeding yet, thankfully. I've managed to add a box for updating the Manx Parents site. I created a new blog a while back and finally I have FTP linked it to the site, added a table to the Homepage and got the homepage to import the blog. Then I spent the best part of 2 hours tweaking the HTML and then starting again (and again) to correct my cock ups :/
It appears to work now, but will take a few posts for me to make sure that I got all the settings right.
Wooo hoooo I like my job (I may mentioned that already?) Tomorrow (Friday) I finish at 1pm, race home to collect my suitcase, then drive down to the airport to meet back up with some of my workmates and their wives/girlfriends/partners (about 30 of us in total). We're being flown at company expence to Dublin, staying at this hotel and returning Sunday evening.
Sea Monkeys are strange animals. We had 5, then there were loads of babies that "hatched" (?) yet now I can only see one baby. It's doing ok and I'm looking forward to more being born anytime soon.
Bump, Splash Imagine a tractor inner tube, put a seat on it then stap on an engine and propeller. You end up with a bumper boat that whilst ok going in straight lines, can also pin you to your seat as well as any Waltzer when is spinning. Add a few more bumper boats and a handful of children who like getting wet from splashes and it's hard not to grin like a silly thing going through a grinning fit. One thing I noticed as we wandered past the bumper pool the other day was a white foam on the water. You've seen when people put Fairy Liquid into fountains? It looks as if someone had found a new place to pour some. Unfortunately the Park was quiet, so we didn't see the commotion that hust have been going on when the boats were hurtling around and stiring it up.
Boohbah... What the heck is that about?? Hey, I'm all for brightly coloured, furry, and oddly shaped object jumping around in a way that appeals to children to copy and interact, but this one gets a serious thumbs down from me. I've never been a fan of the Tellietubbies as I don't think they have a great deal of "education through play" appeal, but Boohbah ?? It should (in my opinion) be banned for insulting children in the worst way possible. If anyone can explain their reason for existing to me, feel free.
Too busy playing to play The slightest sight of a bit of sunshine and the poor computer starts feeling ignored (all together now, Awwwwww)
Anywayyyyy... A brief summary...
Scrum down Junior now owns a rugby ball. A warning to friends who visit us, if he passes you the ball, run like hell, cos I have taught him how to tackle properly and if you stand there looking at the ball he'll grab your legs tightly, ram you with his shoulder and you'll be wondering why all you can see are blue sky and pretty clouds :)
Splish splashing away His larger of two paddling pools (6 foot square) is still difficult to inflate and still leaves me red faced and out of breath (I still haven't bought a pump). You know how enthusiastic parents don't do things in half measures? The pool has a built in slide, Pahhh, small time fun. Junior asked me last year if he could have his garden slide turned to the pool and I said no because it would press on the pool side and let the water out... Well me being me, I found a way around that quandry and yes, he can now wet his 5 foot high slide, climb the steps and come bombing down the chute into the pool. The side opposite has taken a right battering. No more running backwards and forwards with buckets of hot water either as the tap connector on the hose pipe fits the tap to the washing machine.
More about boats Junior has known the four IOM Steam Packets ships by name and sight since he was three. More recently he has developed a liking for the story of Titanic. It is hard to distinguish whether he prefers James Cameron's film of the events or the 1958 film based on the book "A night to Remember".
Having a quick look for Titanic pictures, I came across a couple of websites of interest that I thought I would share with those interested in the history.
There is a pretty good description of the Titanic events (even I followed it easily) including a couple of photographs of the ship in dry dock during construction at Great Ocean
A short article in which various myths and rumours are displelled at BBC Online
There is an extensive ammount of information that as far as I can see covers everything you could imagine here
Later that same day... Junior was full of happy beans when I picked him up from his childminder. He kissed and hugged his childminder bye bye, thanked her for looking after him and wished her to have a good weekend. We went to Govoners Hill playgroud and were just pulling up when he announced a need to "wee wee". A quick 180 and race home, then try again with the playground. He's not shy in company and will usually mingle with other children quickly. After asking some older children already there if he was allowed to play with them, a lille boy toddled in with his dad and Junior had a new friend to play with. The boy reminded me of Junior when he was younger... all over the place and no fear of anything :) the 2 of them were up and down all the climbing frames, running around and sharing Juniors football, throwing, rolling and kicking to each other on the grass and up on the frames and slide. The father and I were able to chat away like a couple of mother hens as we watched them play. As much as I am glad for Junior to be an only child at home, I'm also glad that he and other children are happy to interact together so well.
Junior was allowed to stay up a little later than usual last night, and the lazy mite is still asleep :o
Work has had it in for me this week. I don't think there was a day ran ran as smoothly as it normally does/should. To those who don't know, I am an Assistant Buyer, a "middle man" within the company that I work for. In other words, When purchases are required, reams of paper fall on my desk, I sift through them, contact various supplies for prices and availability, make sure that the request is within budget (if not find out why not), then place the order any everyone is happy. Simple... Every so often, there is a little hiccup, that is to be expected, and that is when I prove my usefulness with my "on the spot" diagnosis and remedying.
This week, I think 70% of those pieces of paper had to be handled twice or more... culminating on Friday with one request for 4 items (made up of a couple of million components, various sizes and colours, 2 supplies) being typed out, then one supplier didn't have actually stock one of the items, so back to the other supplier, then one item description on the request didn't match the suppliers written quote, so had to verify if the error was with the request or the quote, then the component quantities were revised. Bear in mind that between each hiccup, the orders were typed out, faxed off and filed, then pulled out again and modified. By revision number 395 (exagerated) we were happy (actually, we agreed to sod them, LOL)
I love my job and the little quirks that it has. I hate predictability, and (after the event) I smile and think, "job well done" :)
I'm happy to say that despite my brief brush with fame, I remain as level headed and approachable as I ever was :)
Strange heart warming moment yesterday... I folded a piece of A4 paper in half, then folded 2 of the corners and then the top lips to make a paper boat for Junior. His face lit up and he went crazy with delight when I handed it over. Genuine jumping up and down saying thankyou daddy, thankyou... Later, I made him another with him beside me copying with his own paper (Mine was the best, by the way...). He played on the room floor for ages with them and his exisiting plastic boats. This morning as we left the house, all 3 were side by side in his brick "Harbour".
Why heart warming? Junior isn't spoilt with toys, neither is he lacking (ok, ok he has lots), Yet here was a piece of folded paper and he was estatic. Can I take that as a good sign? Hmmm, maybe he is deprived...
Hello again :) Life goes on as before. Much pleasure being taken from this burst of sunshine that we have seen recently on the Island.
I felt the need to take a little time away from the ammount of online time. Minor irritaions in my personal life were having a negative effect on me and I withdrew into my shell for a while to try and ride it out.
Junior, as ever, has been the one reliable thing in my life and we've had some great playtimes in and away from the house. On Sunday we had a great day doing not much new. Swimming as usual, home for lunch then we tidied the garden a bit and cut the lawn, went to Onchan Park with his bike and eventually I delivered a happy and tired boy to Mummy (a bit later than planned, sorry Mummy)
Yesterday, we raced home from his childminders to drag his paddling pool out. A quick scrub down and fill with the hose pipe and many trips from the kitchen with buckets of hot water. He was in the water for about an hour before it became necessary to dry him off and we went in to dry and warm up :)
OOOOO, By the way, Junior and I have been unmasked to the unsuspecting public. The local newspaper emailed me about Manx Parents wanting to do a little article. I had a brief chat with a reporter over the phone last Thursday and a photographer came round the house on Friday. The article and photo are in todays Examiner on page 5 :o
Sunday night Going to bed, feeling tired and generally happy.
One bit of bad news was Richard Quayle coming off his bike on the second lap of Saturday's first race. Information was slow coming forward. After a night in the Intensive Therapy Unit he has internal injuries, but appears to be "stable". My best wishes go to him, his wife and family.
Busy, Tiring, Happy So deeply absorbed with work one day last week that I thought I should run over the road to the shop and grab a bite to eat and suddenly realised I should have met Bambi for lunch an hour earlier. Much blushing as I realised my rudeness. Face to Face and upfront person that I am, I emailed and apology :o Saturday was a good day, out and about playing as much as possible.
Sunday started with the usual dip at the pool. Ariel and W brought Roo and Cockney along and the time flew past in the nicest possible way :) Sunday afternoon was spent In Onchan Park with Junior. He made a couple of friends to play with and we were there for over 2 hours before we headed home for Mummy to pick him up.
Monday, I was at work. Mummy had the day off, so she took Junior accross to Liverpool for a day trip taking in a visit to the Zoo, having train rides and shopping for new clothes. "Mummy bought me some sweets and I was a good boy because I didn't ask for them" he proudly informed me this evening.
I'm waiting on some cash at the moment, I cannot wait for it to arrive because I hope to be able to get him away for a couple of days again. I need a short break too. A chance to have some time away from work and hopefully meet up with a few friends in the UK.
The TT roars into town 96 years old and still going strong. What kind of page would this be without at least a passing mention to one of the worlds greatest motorsport events? What makes it so different from all the other race meetings held all over the world?
The Circuit isn't 2 or 3 miles of smooth, purpose designed track with gravel traps and acres of grass to correct mistakes, each lap is just shy of 38 miles of public roads which pass through sleepy villages, (many front doors are 3 foot from the racing line) and bordered in many places by stone walls, fences and the odd steep drop down a hillside if they take a corner a bit too wide.
The Race isn't a mass grid of bikes that set off for 30 or 40 miles, the riders set off individually or in pairs at 10 second intervals and race against the clock so it can be difficult to pace their race against others around themselves. Friends and family space themselves out with time boards to indicate the rider's position based on 3 timing posts around the course. Races are 3, 4 or 6 laps. At just under 20mins per lap, the races lasts for nearly 2 hours and the winners will have averaged over 120mph.
The Event Whereas most race meetings take place over a 2 or 3 day period, the TT is a 2 week event. Practices started on Saturday and are held daily (mad dashes home from work before the roads close). The first race will be this coming Saturday, then next Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A lot of visitors aim to be here on Thursday or Friday for a long weekend although there are plenty already here who will stay for the full 2 week period.
The Uniqueness Because the race takes place on public roads, anyone can turn up and ride the circuit. Because oncoming traffic can be a problem, the middle Sunday is nicknamed "Mad Sunday". On this day (subject to weather conditions) the section over the mountain (about 8-9 miles) is made one way. Couple this with the fact that the Island doesn't have a national speed limit, and it is easy to see why it is so popular with the visiting public. Another point is the closenes to the racing. On a "normal" circuit, the track is bordered by grass, then the gravel traps, then the barriers, then fencing and eventually spectators who pay many pounds to watch the race. Here the spectators pay no charge to watch and can lean over the afore mentioned stone walls only feet away from the bikes as they pass.
It's at this point that I'll throw in a bit of name dropping. Good Luck to all the competitors during these 2 weeks. A special wave goes to Richard Quayle. Local hero and all round nice guy who I'm fortunate to have met and spoken with on a number of occasions. Last year he rode a bike that he grabbed from a local showroom window complete with 'L' plates that someone stuck on for a joke.
Reading to a child, while laying on the bed, both warm and snuggled. Looking down and seeing closed sleeping eyes and a happy face. Lifting the childs head from your arm/chest and gentley lowering to the pillow. A sleepy "nightnight" murmured as child finds a comfy position in the bedding.
The sky is blue... Sun is shining, temperature being pegged back a bit by a slight breeze. Just back from swimming to grab a bite, then out again to play some more. What a beautiful day on the Isle of Man :)
You want the truth? You carn't handle the truth I have this lark sussed, the time when your head could be filling up with all kinds of crap about how life could be... SHOULD BE... better, but it isn't.
It's a doddle, you blank it., you find a way to mentally block it, cos you know that tomorrow is another day and all will be okay in the morning.
From little acorns...(part 2) *Office Memo*
Been messing Nearly went to bed without saying hello then :o
A few more bright and sunny days have meant playing out as much as possible with Junior. A bit of sleeplessness has meant bleary eyed mornings including today when I woke late for our Sunday Swim. We managed there to have lunch (breakfast) with Ariel and W who had had their dip and were already on their way upstairs. Junior and I went into the pool after the food and stayed in the water for just over 2 hours.
I've spent the evenings of the past week when Junior hasn't been here nose deep in Frontpage Express. It started with me wanting a new and better logo for Manxparents and ended up with *THIS* The links in the menu work, but I still have a heck of a lot more to do before I transfer it across. I tried to load the new logo onto my forum and managed to kill it in the process. Luckily, I found a website with the HTML for the template and I was able to revive it and work out where I had gone wrong.
VH1 has been brilliant tonight. Meatloaf night... One programme all about how 'Bat Out Of Hell' was conceived, put together and eventually released on the unsuspecting public. A great and funny insight. Then the bio-documentary about Meatloaf (the man) 'Back to Hell' and currently a scutch of his video hits. I'm in heaven :)
And now to bed, perchance to sleep. Have a Happy Monday people :)
ARGHHHH!!!!! (Part 2) Continuing from last night's lung clearing exercise... I dug out my OCR software disc, placed it into my CD ROM drive and it whirred and whirred and whirred... It has a goddam scratch on it and refused to find the software :(
So go on, I know your all gagging to know what I wanted to copy. You're not? Well hard luck, cos this is MY blog and I've got nowt else to type about so I'm gonna tell you anyway...
One of my gripes regarding is that I am building it to correct the fact that the Isle of Man has little, if any, online resources directed at parenting and families. So I thought "Why don't I stop moaning and do it myself?" stupid stupid me.....
Problem 1. I've never built a website before, have no idea about HTML, tables, FTP and all the other things website related.
Problem 2. As there isn't much in the way of material out there already, once I registered the domain name and sorted my hosting, where did I go to find the stuff that I want to put online? Catch 22, innit?
Last night's hour worth of lost typing was the sort of "problem 2" that I have let myself in for. The only way I am going to create content is to go out there ask the questions, pick up leaflets and come home then type it myself. You want to see a result of the sort of thing I want to see online, but doesn't exist anywhere else except in a dusty office on an information rack?
Tonight I have typed out the 'IOM Government Childminder's Handbook' Basically, if a person is thinking about becoming a childminder, this is the booklet that they would be given to go away and digest. By typing it out and shoving it up on my site, it might save a couple of people the bus fare into Douglas. You can take a glance at my handywork * HERE *
Next time you spend an hour copy typing a document out so that it can be made available online, remember to save it regularly so that when the software throws up a 'fatal error' message, you won't be kicking yourself...(either that or load the OCR software from the disk in the pile to your left and scan the darn thing in)
A Quiet Bank Holiday Weekend Sunshine, Playparks, Swimming, Steam train trip to Castletown (and back), Drives around the Island, DIY, Friends in pubs, Televised football, Manxparents website, Catching up with close friends on MSN, Monsters inc*, Airfix models, painting, alphabet practice... etc etc. :)
*Bonus material on the DVD includes "For the Birds". I nearly wet myself laughing when I saw it for the first time :)
Vroom Vroom :) I picked my Mazda 323 up this evening after work and I LOVE it *big grin* Not just because it goes like a rocket at the slightest touch of the accelerater (which is nice) but the power mean effortless pulling away from junctions etc. coasting slow in 3rd gear doesn't require a drop to second to get going, the car takes it in it's stride. Junior likes the car too. Not for the speed, the comfortable seats or the roomy interior. He likes it because it has pop up headlights. He insists on getting in and out through my door so that he can poke the button on his way past :)
From little acorns... I spent this morning rolling in mud, swinging from ropes and crawling through tunnels... and I loved it :) There is an appeal on the go at the moment called The Mighty Oak Appeal. The aim is to raise £2m to provide new, bigger and better Hospice facilities for the Island. There are numerous fund raising events Island wide and one is being held at The Venture Centre in Maughold.
Companies around the Island have been invited to submit teams of five to tackle the assault course, riffle shooting and archery for a donation of £100 per team. We all had to race around the Assault course first with the time recorded from the first one setting off until the last one getting home, then in the shooting and archery, scores were added up and time penalties were added to the race figures depending on scores. Higher scores equalled smaller penalties. Each team's total scores will then generate a league table with prizes to be presented to the top team on May 13th.
Needless to say we all really enjoyed getting out of the office for the morning, and it was even suggested going back at a later date with more staff for a corperate day out. 12 teams have so far registered to take part (Phone Mike or Simon on 814240 to enter a team) and as I was just parking the car on my way back to work, the Venture Centre owner was on the radio giving an interview and said that out of the teams who have attended so far, We were top of the table :) On a downside, one thing I learnt today was that I stink at archery. Ah well, even I accept that I cannot be perfect at everything I do ;)
Smiles on a sunny day Swimming this morning was brilliant... nuff said ;) Then Junior and I drove over to see Ariel who couldn't make it to the pool, something about a bloke called Listener being over on the Island and large quantities of alcohol on Saturday night. A gloriously beautiful day here meant cups of coffee in the back garden, idle chit chat and a totally chilled out early afternoon. I had no previous knowledge about Listner apart from that which I have read on his blog. I know he appeared online to be an ok kinda guy and Ariel cannot sing his praises loud enough. I wasn't disapointed. He's a techie guy involved in Communications and Engineering, so we had relatively deep and meaningful discussions about various techie topics relating to his work. Ariel is quite techie too, so the three of us were able to bounce thoughts off each other.
Quite an educational meeting as it turned out :) The nice thing was that me, the wallflower in the corner when meeting a new face felt totally at ease and the chat and jokes flowed all afternoon.
W wasn't there today, she was with her Daddy, so Junior stole centre stage (nowt unusual there ;)) He had a couple of moments when he needed to be tugged back a bit, but overall I think he and I came away with our reputations in tact :)
Then Junior and I were onwards to meet another Blogger, Steve Zodiac. Another first face to face meeting and now I know that the guy on the bus from a couple of weeks ago was my mistake. Steve emailed me earlier in the week to ask me if I was interested in a few bits and pieces from a shop that he used to run a few years back. He had a box with paints, masks and toys for Junior. Jolly darn nice of him, I thought and it turns out he a jolly darn nice guy :) Junior and I intruded into his life for about an hour before we had to leave to head for Mummy's house. Before going we agreed to sort out a little drinky soon, both for socialising purposes and for me to say thankyou for his kindness.
I saw another online face today too (must be the sunshine) Bambi was just turning into a junction that I was pulling out of. Dunno if she saw me wave amongst all the traffic. (I'll email you tomorrow (Monday) about a lunchtime drink this week xx)
All in all this has been a great Sunday. I love sunny smiley days :)
Later that same day... After food in the cafe followed by "see ya later" hugs it was time to head home for a while. A bit later the car was aimed towards the swimming pool. It was just after 3 when we got there and strangely quiet. Roughly 40 people in the water split between the pools.
I must admit it is nice to be able to meander up the stairs to the slides with little or no queues :) Junior still won't go on the 'green' slide. I blame the pool management as they insist on children being 1 metre tall to go on that one, so I had Junior asking to go on it and being told he wasn't allowed. Now that he is tall enough and then some, he is weary and will throw himself into the red opening before I can grab him and throw him down the other. I don't mind to a great extent, but it annoys me quietly inside that he has very few worries or concerns where I have been in control of his actions, yet in this instance my parential judgement was overruled.
I was feeling a bit down on Friday and over the weekend. Saturday just felt like a non event, full stop. Sunday felt better as Junior and I headed to Onchan Park to meet Ariel, W and Roo. We agreed to meet there as we've been having some gloriously hot days recently here on the Island and Roo didn't bring her swimming costume with her (as if I'd have complained).
The little ones had a good running around, climbing and sliding session. Poor Ariel seemed to be doing most of the pushing on the roundabout but she appeared to be in her element running round and round so I laughed a little and let her :Þ Junior wanted us all to go on the boats, but we opted for the little remote controlled versions. He and W were pretty darn good at steering them, opting to guide them round the pool rather than try head on dueling :) Mini racing cars next on a tiny little tarmac road. It is a shame that the area wasn't bigger to give the little ones more room to drive before crossing the start-finish line. Again good stearing from them both even though I saw that 'twinkle' in Junior's eye just before he accidently crashed into the barriers or another car.
A teacher was explaining how a double negative, when spoken, always gives a positive.
'This,' he said, 'is true in every language accross the world. However, there is no example in any culture where a double positive gives a negative!'
Looking proud, the teacher sits down, and there's a short silence, followed by a sarcastic voice: 'Yeah, right.'
Gandhi walked barefoot everywhere to the point that his feet became quite thick and hard. Even when he wasn't on a hunger strike he did not eat much and became quite thin and frail. He also was quite a spiritual person. Furthermore due to his diet he ended up with very bad breath. He became known as a "super-calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis".
If we didn't have thumbs, how would we eat sandwiches?
A bloke went to a fancy dress party with his girlfriend on his shoulders. When asked what he'd gone as, he replied "I'm a snail and this is Michelle"
The other day I phoned my local pizza delivery firm and asked for a thin and crusty supreme... They sent me Diana Ross.
Old telephone books make ideal personal address books if you simply cross out the names and addresses of people you don't know.
"Te aurdire no possum. Musa sapienum fixa est in aura." is Latin for "I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear."
Head spinning, stomach churning, feeling dizzy and a little sick There I was red faced, out of breath and preparing to pass out going round and round in circles and what did the kids sitting on the roundabout do? They screamed "Faster faster..." I'm getting too old for this ;) Twenty to eight we got home tonight.
The war in Iraq is something that I have avoided mentioning (apart from the link to the Dear Raed blog) but there is no way I can not share a site that I found from Manxnet Forums tonight. It is a website dedicated to the (former) Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf. Click the pic to go to the homepage.
:( Today was the day that Sunderland FC are confirmed as a Division 1 team next year. Last season they survived in the Premiership by the skin of their teeth, this season they played worse. Peter Reid was sacked after seven and a half years so that a new manager (Wilkinson) could be brought in to turn around the team's fortunes and they got worse. Wilkinson was sacked and now Mick McCarthy will try and mould a team to regain their Premiership status. Did you know that Sunderland have the 3rd biggest ground in the English game after Man Utd and Newcastle (I don't know the capacities of Rangers and Celtic, so cannot say British Isles) and it has been voted the UK's best stadium by visiting fans?
It's funny in a way, there will be some teams being promoted from the 2nd Division into the 1st (and a few who were promoted since Sunderland moved up into the top flight) who will play at the Stadium of Light and be in total awe when they walk out onto the pitch. A lot of teams outside the Premiership are lucky to get 5 to 10,000 fans at a match, Sunderland's ground holds just short of 50,000. No comfort though for those fans who still travelled to today's game in Birmingham, wore their Shirts with pride and shed tears at the final whistle.
Grrrrrrrrrr I choose to pay SKY TV for their subscription channels and the occasional pay per view movie. I don't choose to pay a UK licence fee for the BBC TV and radio stations which I never use here on this Non UK Island. I don't pay for newpapers that I don't want. The sooner the TV Licence fee is binned and I have the option to have the unwanted channels removed from my Satellite system, the better.
Mmmmm, Mazda I haven't been very lucky with cars in the recent past. The one that suffered a snapped cambelt, the one with the worn out clutch and the one that went up in flames have all gone to the great car park in the sky. I was out with Mummy, S & Junior on Saturday and after eyeing up a new 32" widescreen and DVD player, we popped round to see a friend who sells cars. There was an old shape Mazda 323 1.8 GT. I have a bonus due from work in my next pay packet so I grabbed the keys, took Junior for a quick spin and returned with a smile on my face. I'm going back in a couple of weeks to offer it a new home :)
Nappies Ahhhhhh, Happy memories... "Cotton or disposable?" That's the question on all prospective parents (after "Will it hurt?" for her and "Six weeks??" for him)
Not being one for shameless plugs, but why not add your thoughts and experiences on the subject of all things green and gooey on the Manx Parents Forum Nappy Thread? Where we like to get to the bottom of things :)
Hello again :) I'm still alive, I haven't run away. I've been busy making the most of the sunshine and busy at home. Have a Happy Monday, Back to rambling soon :)
No Ariel and W for swimming this week due to a serious sounding illness (hope you're back on your feet soon xx). I realised late last night that the clocks went forward (not backwards) so decided to take Junior to the 10:30 seesion. One thing that I didn't allow for was the pool being closed to the public today (and next Sunday) until after 2pm due to a swimming gala. We had a lovely drive in the sunshine to Castletown to see what their pol was like instead.
Junior beat me to greeting the Fairies for a change :) (For non Manxies, that's your loss, I'm afraid ;))
Castletown doesn't have a baby/toddler pool and the shallow end starts at 3 foot depth, more of a "traditional" pool. I thought this could be be a short swim session... 2 hours later, I dragged to get dressed :)
We had a bite to eat sat in the sunshine at a stop off on the way back to Douglas then we played trains again or Junior played in the back garden while I watched bits of the England v Ireland Rugby match. A very entertaining match, irrespective of the score.
A hour at Nobles Park followed, cut short by the man with the gate keys, then to Mummy's to drop off Junior and the car. We had a play of Abe's Oddysey on the Xbox, then time for me to be dropped off at home.
All in all, a great weekend of play and fun. I love sunny days :)
"Sometimes I hurt myself. I used to think it was accidental but I'm beginning to suspect otherwise. Like yesterday when I leapt through the glass door on the shower and sustained massive cuts all over my abdomen. Sure I tried to convince myself later it was an accident and I was actually fleeing from an oncoming bus but the truth is there are no buses in my shower. At least not since I put up the sign."
"Next time you're gonna take a bath, toss in about a dozen packages of Alka Selzter... it's the poor man's jacuzzi..."
"What the world needs now is random trapdoors. Everywhere. At the bank. At the gas station. At home. At school. At the office. "Hey Bob... I'm just gonna photocopy some of these repor-RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr...!" And of course, at the bottom of each trapdoor would be a bouncy trampoline. I'm not Hitler or anything. His trapdoors had rooms full of spiders on the other ends."
The simple things in life There is something satisfying about zero cost activities that are greeted with eyes which light up and enthusiasm. I said I was looking forward to lighter, warmer nights and the freedom to head for the local playground. Yesterday evening we did just that. Junior was picked up and after an hour at Onchan Park was dropped home just after 5. After eating, I realised that I needed a few bits from the shop which is near a play area and duck ponds so we grabbed his bike half a loaf of "medium sliced" and went out into the sunshine. I don't wear a watch, but wasn't surprised to find that after the ride to, the stroll around the ponds then the walk back up to the playground and eventually home it was well after 7. I had a happy boy, I was a happy Daddy :)
I worry that as he grows older, simple pleasures like this might fade, I sincerly hope they don't.
I drove to the childminders in Mummy's car and rang the doorbell. As it opened, I was practically knocked over from my "squatting, ready for a cuddle" position. I said in my last blog that I lacked much in the way of "get up and go" well, I'm happy to say that the former feeling was wiped out in seconds.
We had a really good chatting session in the car as he relayed to me tales of all the things that he'd been doing while away between bites of an apple that I'd brought for him. Back at the house we played with his trains (yeah, yeah, I know I said I was going to put it away, but I didn't) a bite to eat then out to play football on the grassy area nearby. There were a couple of older lads already having a kick about and we kicked each other's footballs around for a good hour. Junior had a new thing that we had to do. I was instructed that we had to stand in a straight line, side by side (two of us??) then we had to sing a song before we started the game. I assume we were going to play an International game of football and we were singing our National Anthems :) At one point, Junior bent down staring straight at me with the ball at my feet, clapped his hands together and wiggled his bum saying he was in goal...
It was quarter to seven by the time we came back inside. Time for another play with his trains while his bath ran, then splashing galore in our usual bubbley fashion. We sat on the sofa and watched a cartoon while he had his cup of milk and a couple of bickies then up for a story and big cuddles and kisses and sleep (for him) :)
His food is cooked and ready for tomorrow (Grilled pork chops, boiled spuds, 4 veg and gravy, Mmmmmmm) and I feel so full of life again and shine gratitude for the life that he gives me. I can genuinely feel a difference within myself. It's good to have him home :)
A pretty dull and quiet weekend Well Junior will be back tomorrow and oooooh, how I've missed him :( Contrary to having time to get stuff done, I've basically veged out the past few days. Cash being tight again means no funds to go out, lack of son meant a lack of inspiration to "get up and go".
I've had some feedback from the Manx Parents email Thanks to those who have forwarded details to friends. I've added a couple of articles to the news page, but still a lot more for me to do.
The dear_raed website went down for a couple of days, apparently he overloaded a couple of servers with all the hits that his site was getting. It's back online now and includes the text for the missing days. I assume that as time goes on there is the real possibility that the site could end without warning. To think, how we complain about minor access problems...
D'ohhh So there I was yesterday after work, looking for a seat on the bus when I saw a guy at the back wearing tinted round glasses, "Wow", I thought, that looks like Steve Zodiac (I've only ever seen the pics on his site, and the only other person that I am aware of who wears tints, is Raz, and it certainally wasn't him) "No, it cannot be" I realised. "He'd be at work at this time". So I took my seat nearby. After 5 minutes thinking Should I? Shouldn't I? I turned and stuttered "Excuse me... Is your name Steve?" "No", ...D'ohhhh
Iraq and Online resourses Most of us with webpages have Stat pages telling us how many visiters our pages get. I did a Google for "Iraq webcam" and found a few links without much in the way of results. It seems as if I'm not the only one who has tried that search, here is the Statpage for one site I tried. Notice the graph for the past couple of days?
I also found a Blog written by somebody who lives in Baghdad, an eyewitness report. It is here
Saddened but finding positives No Junior for a week. Tomorrow morning he's on the Ben My Chree heading for a week on the "adjacent Isle" with Mummy and S. I cannot wait to speak to him on the phone and listen to all his tales of the things he's been doing and the places he has visited :) It means that I can give the house a thorough spring clean and maybe get a few jobs out the way that winter has put on hold. This room needs painting and as artistic as he may be, it isn't a job that I would attempt when he is here, so now I have no excuse.
His train set is currently set up taking up half the living room floor, I'll pack that away tomorrow evening when I come home. As much as I like a tidy house, this is first and foremost a house for play and fun. I'm used to stepping over toys because this is the way we are :) When people come here they expect to find crayons on the table, cars between the sofa cushions, video boxes next to the TV. It's clean mess. It is the way I like it. It will feel strange to put toys away in the cupboard and not see them all out again within 15 minutes :)
Last night I tried to log into blogger, but it refused me admission :( Blimey, I cannot believe I have gone a week without a Blog. The thing is, looking back in retrospect, there isn't really much new stuff going on in my life that I can say without sounding quite repetative.
The Sea Moneys hatched and are wiggling around their little tank :) less than the size of a pin head and Junior looks at them and coo's. I was worried that something had gone wrong and we were destined to failure. I didn't want to fib and pretend that a)They were invisible or b)Junior needs his eyes testing. Neither of those would be fair. But no worries, they are there to see as clear as day :)
I've had a couple of really good chats recently, Online and not forgetting real life... Princess Roo has trouble going 5 minutes without making me grin like a fool :) She talked me into registering for a Manx Website that is best described as "adult content", but in more of a Chubby Brown "adult", than sexually "adult" If your nerves are strong, and you don't object to mindless, excessive bad language (definitely NOT one for minors), have a look at Death in Douglas
Ariel and W were their usual rays of sunshine in the early hours of Sunday morning :) (Early hours being pre 11am for those who prefer an evening out on Saturday nights) Stavros, answer my goddam emails, will ya, I'm flipping starving here :)
I've been scouring the internet for material for my ManxParents website I've sent out an introductory email to friends asking them to read and forward it to other IOM residents who may be interested. If you want to read the email, it is here As it says, I want a local feel to the site and welcome comment and contribution from others. The events page is looking depressingly empty at the moment (not through lack of trying). Maybe that is a sad reflection of the Islands view of families? Something I hope to have an impact on... Me thinks it's time to hit the IOM phone book ;) Manx Radio have been spammed and IOM Newspapers are next...
At last... I have bought a Sea Monkey starter kit. The little tank has a Martian landscape inside with an Astronaught hovering above the ground. I have filled it up with water and added the preparation powder which needs 24 hours before the eggs are added. I realied tonight that I had better be careful where I place the tank because we have a cat here who likes to paw at the fish in a much heavier tank.
I did a Google tonight for "isle of man" +family to look for some links for my website, Geeeeez, it really is a wilderness unless you want Geneology sites in which case there are pages. I found a couple of sites elsewhere and I have sent a couple of emails inviting contribution. Our local Newpaper's website is a bit of a pain when it comes to news stories. If I was to link to a recent story then it would only be valid for a few days or a week tops until it is archieved and replaced by something completely different, then I'd have to do a site search to find it again and update my page. Grrrrrrrrrrr
I have registered the domain and have created a template for the site. Spent ages trying to teach myself how to create tables and the differences it makes between working in percentages and pixels. Icons caused me a few problems, One minute they were there, the next they vanished. I've loaded the home page onto my free Manxnet space and pointed the domain at that for now until I get the hosting sorted. There appear to be a couple of glitches still, but I'm sure I'll sort them sooner or later. Next job is to start padding out the pages and work out if I can set up and use a new blogger page to remotely update a couple of the pages.
Top weekend... I had a really good and funny 3 way chat on MSN with a good friend and a friend of theirs. I stayed awake long enough on Saturday night/Sunday morning to watch start of the Austrailian Formula 1. I brought a duvet and pillow down to lay on the sofa and set the alarm on my mobile phone in case I fell asleep. I could have seen more, but after 20 or so laps I thought I should sleep because I had to be at the pool for 9am Sunday morning.
Junior and I were joined by Ariel and W as per usual. Roo is staying with them for the weekend and she came along too :) Junior was his usual dominating self, maybe a bit too overpowering at times. He's a strong little man and he sometimes forgets how to be gentle. If you ever have the misfortune to have him running towards you, brace yourself :o
Junior and W soon slipped into their friendly way with each other. They play together so well in the water and upstairs afterwards. It's always a shame when it is time to part company for another week, but junior and I got 3 hugs this week, so we didn't grumble :)
We headed to the shop on the way home and halfway round we found ourselves chatting with Ariel again as she had also popped in to pick up a couple of bits and pieces, so we wandered round together and I laughed to see her and Junior pretending to race each other on some disabled persons shopping carts as I queued to pay for my shopping.
Back home, we upacked the food and were pleased to be visited by Juniors 6 year old aunt and her dad on their way to the pool. We had a coffee while the little ones pretended to be Bob the builder and Wendy in the back garden. Then after they went on their way, another aunt and uncle were soon knocking on the door to be let in.
We eventually returned Mummy's car and found her covered in emulsion as she was repainting her living room. As soon as he saw the paint brushes, Junior wanted to do a bit, but was sadly to be denied by us both. Mummy has bought Junior a new bed for when he stays there, I was jealous because it is nicer than mine. We stayed for a while then Mummy dropped us both here so she could finish off at hers and no sooner were we through the door than Junior was having a cup of milk and a little chocy cake thrust upon him because it was so close to his bed time. We read the Elves and the Shoemaker sat on his toybox while his duvet hung over a radiator to warm up then he contently climbed onto his bed, snuggled into his now warm bedding and was fast asleep when I looked in 10 minutes later :)
Annoyed? Peeved off? Depressed with life? Yep, I've been there this week :( I even finished a conversation on my mobile yesterday and threw the phone down in temper. Why is it that the people who we have to go to to run our lives insist on appearing to be putting as many stumbling blocks in the way that they can think of? Why do they refuse to let you go the way you want, then after struggly to make a headway by their insistance, they move the target?
Why when in a meeting face to face do they let you sit there heart pounding, shaking with nerves then ask "What would you like me to do?" put us on the spot, then when we stutter out the words in fear of being smirked at, they keep a straight face and say "ok, I can do that"? Why do they let us panic, sweat, worry when they know that they can make life easier, yet insist on remaining silent until we read their minds as to the options available to us?
Yesterday I was in the proverbial tunnel with a glimmer of light in the distance, I've been in this "tunnel" for nearly 18 months, during which time there have been plenty of one steps forward then 2 steps backwards. Then the phone rang and it felt as if not only had the distant light been snuffed out, but a black bag had been put over my head just for good measure.
For the sake of today's meeting, I think I am back on track and I see that faint light again, but I'm not happy, not happy at all as the people I share an office with will testify.
Big heartfelt hugs go to Princess Roo tonight following some sad news. She has written some words on her own Blog page, so I won't duplicate or try to interperate them here. I've only met Roo once as I reported some weeks ago on here and I've chatted online a couple of times. She is a warm, smiling person to whom I took an instant liking. It saddens me to think that she isn't her usual bouncey fun self today. My thoughts are with her and her family at this time.
What a beautiful sunny and hot afternoon today. After leaving the pool, Junior and I headed home. We had borrowed Mummy's car again so I thought I'd give her a surprise and give Junior a chance to earn a bit of the money he costs me each week. We grabbed a bucket of hot soapy water and together gave the car a good scrubbing session. A good lick of polish and it was shining in the bright sunshine. Junior had a ride of his bike and played football on the nearby grass with 3 boys from nearby. Mummy phoned to check on the time that we expected to head her way and asked me to bring some rawlplugs and screwdrivers (D'ohhhh). Mummy has a flat overlooking Douglas Bay, it looked gorgeous today from her living room window. We had a lovely tea and a quick play of Abe's Oddesy on the XBox then it was time for my lift home and kisses and cuddles from Junior.
There is a thread on the Forums called "Friendship or Sex" and in the opening post it asks "Can Ex-partners still be friends?" Well I have to say "Yes they can". I'm not denying that Mummy and I haven't had our moments, but seeing as we both love Junior and respect the fact that we still have a long term relationship as parents if nothing else, we have more or less been able to keep the good aspects of our former relasionship after all we both have one major reason for getting on together and as a rule we do pretty good :)
Alarm clocks have a wonderful feature. It is called the "snooze button" What you do is set you alarm clock for a little before you actually want to wake then when it bleeps you prod said button and it resets to bleep again after a preset time. So there I was at 8:10 this morning, alarm bleeping to say time to wake up for swimming and I thought Ahhhhhh, I have 40 mins to wake, dress, nibble and drive, I'll just have 5 more minutes. At 9:05 something stirred me from my deep slumber... Junior was still face down in his pillow so I shook him into life and we hurtled down the stairs grabbing our clothes, the swimming bag, two pieces of fruit and out to the car. We made it into the water for 9:25 and were greeted by the smiling faces of Ariel and W who I can only imagine had all but given up on us turning up. We had a good hour of water play and the children again had both of us parents smiling as they both strutted their stuff in the pool and continued through lunch and and out onto the concourse. Poor Ariel wasn't feeling 100%, she even declined ice cream :o
I need a new PC. This box is fine for 99% of the stuff that I want it to do, but alas this weekend I found out that it is hopeless for the other 1%. I had a play with Microstuft Publishing in an attempt to design a Logo for Manx Parents (still trying to design a Frontpage). I made one that consisted of only four layers, but it was so slow when I was making the slightest of changes and after about an hour of working out how the software did it's biz I was happy and clicked "Save"...
Goddam... The PC froze, reported an error and closed the software wiping all that I had done :( I was non pleased to say the least. I rebooted the PC and when it had gone through the start up process I opened the Task Manager and closed all those annoying little programmes which run in the background eating up processor speed and power. I re-opened Publishing redid my design and it saved fine, thank goodness.
That's enough for today I had 2 choices at 4:30 this evening, go home to an empty house or stay a bit longer and clear part of my work backlog. The guy to whom I am "assistant" said why not leave it until Monday, but I know what Mondays are like. My intention was to do about an hour then call it a night. Sooooo, by 9pm I thought that'll do for today. It is a strange feeling being in the office by myself, but it meant I could fire up an online radio station on my PC and work undisturbed. I got all the backlog cleared and even made a start on some bits and pieces that I promised myself I would a few weeks ago. Mummy called me to have a quick chat and when she heard I was at work offered to give me a lift home. Junior was still awake, so he came along for the ride and I got to see his freshly cropped barnet :)
I have a few more bits to do and have brought home a few papers and stuff, gonna pass the quiet time doing a bit more then surprise my boss on Monday morning. I'm not a slave to my work, (I really do like doing what I do) this is me wanting to do something rather than do nothing and it will ease my workload in the months to come, so what the heck.
Cat Goddam stupid animals at the best of times. They don't fetch slippers, they don't scare away Door to door Salesmen or Jehovah's Witnesses. They're no good for exercise, Why do they exist? I'll tell you why... To complain about being hungry for days on end, then when you get round to remembering to buy a tin of food, they eat half then bugger off for an hour in which time another cat from wherever wanders in through the door and eats the rest.
This morning at 4:15am "Cat" decided to argue with some other feline and woke me up with all the spitting and (cat) growling. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but did they stop? "FFS", I thought as I trampled down the stairs to kick something. When I reached the kitchen, bleary eyed and shivering, Cat was sat there staring at the cat flap through which his adversery had just escaped. He realised I was there. Did he cower in the corner to escape my naked wrath? Did he heck, he walked calmly to his dinner bowl looked at me and started purring...
Not a lot to say tonight. I'm not 100% sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. In a good way it means that I am not feeling harrased or annoyed at anything, in a bad way it may be the result of a dull life in which not much happens to write about. Oddly enough, I rarely feel that life is dull. Yeah, sure enough there are times when time seems to drag, but that is relative to the situation.. Lost? Hee hee
When Junior is here my actions obviously revolve around him. One thing we haven't been able to do too often due to the time of year is to be able to detour en route from his childminders to home. He loves the outdoors, he loves running around, playing, being happy. We are regular attendees of the playgrounds at Governor's Hill and Onchan Park. I'll often drive to pick him up and stop off for a piece of fruit as a snack so he can eat that as I drive and we can go play out rather than rush straight home for tea. On week nights it is prefered for him to be in bed and ready for his light off by 8pm. So that usually means him having his PJs on then milk and biscuits for 7:15. As he grows he is obviously aware of the ticky tocky thing on the wall. Here I have been cunning...
My first lesson in "Telling the time for boys called Junior" was to ensure Clock was in his "first 50 words". Communication with children is a wonderous thing. Once he was aware of the clock (and the fact that it had two hands and they both went round and round. Sometimes at the top, sometimes at the bottom and sometimes inbetween) it was a simple case of saying "Look at the clock, it is bedtime". This may sound pretty basic stuff, but ask any parent who tries to say bedtime to a child the day after the clocks go back an hour... (But it's not dark yet...) One other trick was to teach him where the on/off button on the telly is, then to ask him to turn the telly off because the clock says bedtime. He thought he was being a good boy and grown up because he he could check that it was infact 7:30 (ie the big hand is pointing down, sod the little hand at this stage ;)) he'd turn off the telly and say "come on daddy". and head for the stairs. Over the (so called) winter months, he'd go up first, throw down his hot water bottle and in the time it took me to fill it up, he had "paid a visit" washed his hands and would be marticulously brushing his teeth. Then into his bed with a book. From saying "Bedtime" to lights out is usually half an hour. That is usually enough time for part of a big book or a couple of small ones. He is told "last page" and as my finger follows the words he'll snuggle into his duvet ready for the last few words then a night night kiss and biiiiig cuddles. Then it is a strict light off, one more kiss and a see you in the morning. (I wonder if it will be so simple when he is a teenager? LOL) Down I go to prepare his food for the next day and if football isn't on the telly, I'll have a browse and a read online while the food cooks and then later to bed myself.
Anyway......... back to the bit about when he isn't here. I come home from work and....... Hmmmmmm, check emails, coffee, Manxnet Forum, another coffee.... wash any cups or pots, another coffee... Things just aint the same when he's away. This is one of the reasons for me saying a few weeks ago I need to start socialising and getting out more. My life is full and busy when Junior is here, It is the times when I am by myself that I need work on.
I had a lovely chat with Roo last night. One day Junior will soooo popular (Rip 'n' Roo secret) ;)
I should be writing about what a wonderful day I have had today, except it is now yesterday (or is that tomorrow?)
Junior and I have had a great weekend. We made dough shapes from a flour and water mix, we cooked them a little to dry them out, then painted them.
Today we drove into an empty car park at the NSC and I thought for a minute that the place was closed. Thankfully, it wasn't. Ariel and W joined us again for a swim and a play. There weren't many toys out but Junior soon made ammends for that going off the the basket and returning with armfulls. After the swim and the now customary snack and ice creams up in the cafe, We all headed back to my house where Junior and W found a bucket, a watering can and a copius supply of water to play with and proceded to carry on with water (and mud) fun from where they had earlier left off, much to the bemusement of two onlooking parents.
I had to return Mummy's car so after the kids were cleaned up, dried off and we all said our goodbyes, Junior and I headed across Douglas. We had a luvely Spagetti Bolagnaise cooked for our tea, and played a board game called "Shhhh, Don't wake Daddy". The game pieces are hungry children and with the roll of a dice they have to sneak around the house to get to the fridge without waking their sleeping father. Why they didn't care about waking Mummy, goodness knows, but I didn't invent the game ;)
Once droped back here, we had a good playing session with his toy cars (Vrooooom Vrooooom) then a lovely snuggle on the sofa while watching a Winnie the Pooh video as he consumed the evening's milk and biscuits. Up to bed without any hassle whatsoever, an in depth read of Spot the Dog then a certain little man was yawning his head off ready for a biiiiiig cuddle and then to sleep.
I've had a couple of emails which I've replied to tonight and despite the time, I feel wide awake and full of the joys of life.
Have a Happy Monday everybody, it'll soon be Friday :)
I've had a pretty stress free day today despite the fax machine deciding to come to life more and more as the afternoon wore on. Junior is away tonight so the evening had been relaxed bordering on dull. TV failed to inspire and the online community is pretty quiet, so I think sleep is in order.
Take care Y'all. Get well soon to those who have spent the day sneezing and sniffling. Big hugs to those feeling down for various reasons.
Listener, top poet and all round nice guy. My best wishes for the immediate and long term future.
Bambi, Still on for a shandy as planned
Blakey, I'll sharpen the bottle opener and let you know soon.
Stavros, Your emails crease me up at work, Hamlet Ferarri had me blowing coffee out through my nostrils. You fancy egg and chips some time?
Floyd, Manx rock god, and i've never heard you play. I intend to change that fact as soon as I am able to.
Declan. You had me in stitches tonight. Shame about your music tastes :Þ
Steve Zodiac. This guy looks twice the size of me, yet I still worry for him at times. Definatley got head screwed on the right way, always a delight :)
Nikki is suffering with the flu- the kids have it.Poor Nikki ;)
Roo !! Princesses are allowed to do it when it is new, it's in the rules ;)
and Ariel... Puts smiles on faces without trying, TY honey :)
And to others I know and haven't mentioned, TRY WRITING THE ODD EMAIL :Þ