Waterbabes Junior and I go swimming each Sunday, I may have mentioned it in passing on previous occasions. Last Saturday he was with Mummy instead of me as they had fun things planned and it meant I was free to cut and shift the pile of floorboards mentioned in the other post. So instead of a morning swim, we went for the 12:30 session. We eventually left the pool at 3:50 :o
Home for a bite to eat, and he asked if we could go to Onchan Park, so back out in the car and another 90 minutes passed until we climbed back in the car to head home content with the day's playing.
And yes, we both needed a bath after the visit to the park...
No Title I've hardly touched the PC at home over the past couple of weeks. When Junior is with me, he of course takes priority. When he is at Mummy's I've had 101 things to keep me busy, and sadly away from the keyboard.
Current project is the Attic. I said months ago that Junior has a Train Set/Model Railway, which continues to grow. Tracks, engines, carridges, wagons... The long term plan was to floor the attic, add power and make it suitable and safe as a room for the permanent setting up of the track. The floor boards were delivered last Saturday and most are cut to size and pushed through the access hatch. They would have been screwed down by now but for the need to replace lighting cable for the bedrooms and bathroom below. The wires crossed the joists, so they have had to be rerouted around the edges.
The bathroom and bedrooms are to have new light fittings. While the bedrooms are not a problem at this moment, the new floor goes down directly over the bathroom, so I had to mad dash to B&Q, buy the downlighters and cable and install them. I also want to add an electric shower at some point soon, so the cabling had to be run for that too, looped off ready for connection at a later date.
The loft access opening will also be covered once the floor goes down, so to make sure I don't paint myself into a corner (so to speak) there was the small matter of creating a new access through the ceiling and a cupboard wall in Junior's room where the stairs will be fixed. Tonight I permanently fix the boards and pray I haven't forgotten anything that will require much screaming and pulling of hair tomorrow.
Once the room is done, Junior and I will be creating a track layout 12 foot by 9 foot with a point to step over the track for him to sit in the centre able to reach all areas. There's a lot of building, modeling, tunneling, bridge building, landscaping, painting and tree planting for that boy in the coming weeks. I will be also adding a dimmer switch in the lighting circuit so that he can act out "night scenes".
One thing I do need to add before he is allowed up there is emergency lighting. If there is ever a loss of power when he (or I) are in the attic, it means that we still have the means to find our way out and back down to the house without taking the 2:15 Express train or a hillside with us.
Golf Don't have a lot of time for the game. On telly it's look at player, swing, look at sky, bounce, look at grass...etc etc. BUT!!!! when it is MiniGolf and it is a Shockwave Game... Well, you have a go... I bet you play it more than once.
Play MiniGolf
Yawn Not much to report today. Junior has settled into school life well, although it is just mornings this week and then 4 afternoons next week before his first "full" day on Friday. I guess that will be a bit of a test as he copes with the longer day broken by his first school dinner.
I received an email which said that my TV appearance will consist of a 4 minute 40 second segment of a 30 minute programme. The antisipated transmission date is near the end of November and it should have a teatime slot (not good at mealtimes, me thinks), although this will be confirmed closer to the date.
Still no comments, should be back by the 8th or the 9th at the last report. Oh, and I turned 36 on Tuesday, but I'll get over it. I remember when 20 appeared old, how life has flown.
Comments I checked the HTML, I even dug out the original page template and copied and pasted the relevant lines just in case I had accidentally altered anything without realising. I was just edging towards a state of bewilderment when I was hit by a moment of inspiration... Check the Host site, and there in 12 point Times New Roman is the apology for the server fault, normal service hopefully to be resumed on the 2nd or 3rd.
First Day At School No, silly, not mine.... Junior's :) As of 8:45am on Tuesday September 2nd, my boy will be a fully fledged member of the Isle of Man Education System.
We went for a quick look around the outside of the school this evening on the way home from his childminder and he was peering in through the windows eyeing up all the things that he wants to play with in the morning. For nearly 2 years we have passed the school with him saying "I'm going to that school when I am bigger" and tomorrow is that day. He knows of course, and he is excited by the prospect, but now in a running round shouting about it, more of a "that's the next step in my growing up" kind of way. Odd child, I don't know where he gets it from *shrugs*